Monday, January 31, 2011

Nostradamus 2011 predictions.....

Well it looks like we’re a month into 2011 folks, Let’s see what’s predicted for this year shall we? According to Nostradamus that is. He predicts, and I quote (in English)…..

“Pau, Verona, Vicenza and Saragossa
Their swords damp with blood of distant lands
Will suffer an evil plague, borne by a shell
Relief may be near, but the remedies are far away.”

And the second prediction for 2011…..

“The gods will fool mankind, making out
That they are the authors of a great war
Once, the sky was free of hardware
But now, on the left, there will be great damage.”

Now then, not being a believer of his prognostications myself, since he’s been wrong more times than not, I wonder what will come of this. Although people tend to give his predictions a little twist to fit an event after the fact. Anyone can make a generalized prediction into the future, and if you give out 100 predictions, and get several right, suddenly you’re a great seer. When really, you’ve just played the odds of chance.
In that sense, I predict the Leafs will win the Cup next year…..lets see how that plays out shall we.