Sunday, April 8, 2012

Get Some

It has occurred to me that there seems to be something missing in the art and creation in this area, everywhere, anywhere. I’ve found it, I can see it clearly. I will create it. I will show it. You will see it. You will feel it and relate it to something deep within you. You’ll be afraid of what it makes you feel. You’ll speak of it over cocktails and grilled prawns. Huddled together, in your loose dresses and tight t-shirts under the cool blue. You will, need to want it, have it. You can have some of what it means to you. Have some…….get some……..get some.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ignorance isn't bliss for long

I've always said that the 'Seven Deadly Sins' would bring humanity to the brink, or even to an end. Nowadays, since it seems the 'Sins' are 'cool', people are just as ignorant, or even more so, than they (we) were 100 years ago. I'd like to thank the murderously greedy gluttonous vain lazy f'ks out there, thanks man......Oh and sorry kids, you'll be coming of age in a world of shit, good luck with that. Maybe the this new generation will figure it out, hopefully. Or maybe they'll see that the majority of us now don't pay that much attention to these issues, halfheartedly at best, and figure everything will be just fine and someone else will take care of it. It's that kind of blind contentedness that got us into this mess, every generation cares only about the 'Now' and "chill" and figure 'Ahh, that's what "they've" always said', and expect it to fix itself somehow. Every generation, the standard goes higher and higher, and the want/need goes higher and higher. Not dramatically as to cause much of a global issue all at once, but at a slow enough pace so that we don't really notice it and become accustom to it. It's like snake venom, get bitten and you're in serious trouble, but feed it to yourself at a low dosage slowly over time and you get used to it, and now you can survive that snake bite and feel safe. Which is all well and good. Until a different species of snake that you weren't counting on bites your ass, and kills you. Yes, it's true that folks have been saying this kind of thing for many years, but ignoring it and hoping it'll go away won't fix it. One day we'll all wake up one morning in a world of shit, and it's then we'll say 'crap, I guess we should've been paying more attention'. Possibly not in our generation, but in our children's life time for sure. carry on folks, enjoy.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Dead?

Well, Osama Bin Laden has been pronounced dead. How about that.
It seems fishy to me, and this is why…..
They claim they stormed some “mansion” that he had been hiding in, in plain sight.
The news rooms all show some room in disarray, with blood stains, etc. This could be anything.
They say that the photo(s) of Osama’s dead face is “Still recognizable as Osama, with a little help from ‘Facial Imaging’ software”.
Osama was quickly buried at sea. They say so as not create a martyr’s shrine in the future. Well, if the US had Osama’s body, they could secretly bury it anywhere, or even keep his body secretly anywhere. Give me a break. What they’ve effectively done is ‘lose/hide the evidence’. Osama wasn’t a sailor, nor was he killed at sea, and Islamic law (from what I understand anyway) only buries at sea if it is absolutely necessary, and the US stated that they handled his body under Islamic law.
They also say that they have Osama’s DNA to be tested. Well, they need to ALREADY have a sample of Osama’s DNA to compare it to, to get a match. They could use a relatives DNA, but all that would prove is that they were related, it wouldn’t prove it was Osama. There are no names stamped on DNA folks, You can only get an exact match with a sample from the same organism to compare it to.
Even if they did somehow have a previous DNA sample from Osama, where did they get it from? Are they absolutely sure it’s his?
Or, do they have Osama captured, and not killed, torturing him somewhere secretly. Or, have they ‘collected’ him, like the US ‘ collected’ Nazi scientists at the end of WWII, before the Soviets could.
Obama also does need some sort of ‘Morale booster’ for the American public, with the skyrocketing gas prices, struggling economy, etc…
Although, if Osama isn’t really dead, I wonder if he would release a video recording of himself stating that he was in fact, still alive.
All I’m saying, is not to believe it all right away.
The US government never lies though, right? Let’s just see how all this plays out shall we?
Carry on.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Muse - Uprising.

Loving this tune lately, just thought I'd share this video with you, cheers!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Cripes. You call THAT a Snowstorm? A couple of inches? I call it a Snowfall, after all, it is WINTER. It tends to snow during the winter season folks. It's not even snowing here anymore, at the moment, and everyone seems to be in a panic. How long have you lived in Canada? I remember lots of snow at some point or another during every winter season since I was a kid. And every year it seems like it's a surprise to everyone, "Holy shit it SNOWS here in Canada!? Nobody told me that!" It snowed last season, and it will next season. You'd think people would figure it out by now.

Don't panic Mr. Lastman, no need to call in the armed forces yet.


Monday, January 31, 2011

Nostradamus 2011 predictions.....

Well it looks like we’re a month into 2011 folks, Let’s see what’s predicted for this year shall we? According to Nostradamus that is. He predicts, and I quote (in English)…..

“Pau, Verona, Vicenza and Saragossa
Their swords damp with blood of distant lands
Will suffer an evil plague, borne by a shell
Relief may be near, but the remedies are far away.”

And the second prediction for 2011…..

“The gods will fool mankind, making out
That they are the authors of a great war
Once, the sky was free of hardware
But now, on the left, there will be great damage.”

Now then, not being a believer of his prognostications myself, since he’s been wrong more times than not, I wonder what will come of this. Although people tend to give his predictions a little twist to fit an event after the fact. Anyone can make a generalized prediction into the future, and if you give out 100 predictions, and get several right, suddenly you’re a great seer. When really, you’ve just played the odds of chance.
In that sense, I predict the Leafs will win the Cup next year…..lets see how that plays out shall we.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Government and 2012...

Do the governments of the world really have plans in action, in light of '2012', to build huge underground bunkers/dwellings in order to save the rich and the elite? If so, then that would imply that they don't really care about us 'regular Joes' of the world. The ones ...that are the real backbone of our countries. If your government won't care about you then, what makes you think they care about you now? This would also imply, in my mind anyway, that the governments also have plans to 'thin the herd' in our world population. I understand of course it would be impossible to save everyone if such a thing were to occur, but they should at least try. And why keep it all secret? Why not work with the populace to have some sort of working plan in the process? I'll tell you why. MONEY. Well, that's my thought for today. Maybe I'm just a little cranky since I haven't had my morning coffee yet.