Thursday, November 6, 2008

Change in the air?

Now that the U.S. has made the historic vote for change, what will come of it? After listening to the man's speech I must say I am impressed. However, be he black, white, green or plaid, he is still undoubtedly a politician. No matter whom he may be, a president does not make all of his decisions on his own. Will there be change? If so, will it be for the better? We all hope so. It seems Canadians had more interest in the U.S. presidential election than our own, having a pathetic turn out not that long ago. Most likely due to the fact that Canada has yet to have a powerful, inspirational leader, from any party. Nor is there likely to ever be one. And why is that? Because we are the Igor to the American Dracula. The YES man. No matter that we are the largest country in the world (or second largest), and have the ability to be self reliant with our many resources. We still kiss the U.S. ass. And why is that? I'd say it's from many years of leadership with barely a ball in the sack. Canada always follows, and never leads. Most things that are "American", are actually Canadian. America is like the bully that steals things from you and makes it his own, and justifies it. America lies to it's people with false stories of historical pride, with fake glory and glitter. America kicks it's own people in the ass, yet like puppies they still follow. Although, doesn't every country do that really? But now, there seems to be a possibility for change. Unfortunately, anyone trying to drastically change things for the better, usually gets themselves killed. Let's hope that history doesn't repeat itself yet again. Well my friends, hopefully one day we will have the opportunity to vote for such a leader for our country, and be proud to stand for our President. Excuse me, I mean Prime Minister.

carry on ladies and gentlemen, carry on.

Be careful out there.

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